
The Outreach Committee provides St. John’s with a coordinated and effective channel for helping our under-resourced neighbors help themselves.
As a vital part of St. John’s mission of outreach, the Outreach Committee….
- Supports local, national and international organizations that help people to help themselves.
- Contributes volunteers and donations to local efforts to prevent homelessness, provide affordable housing, lessen food insecurity (alternate-end hunger), welcome refugees, offer educational opportunities, and support families. We work with Community Solidarity, Housing Help, Upholding Humanity, and other effective local organizations to serve and connect with our community.
- Advises the vestry on additional charitable giving which is part of St. John’s annual budget.
Raises funds to make good things happen. Recent giving has included:
- Family Service League and Youth and Family Counseling Service: for early childhood programs in Huntington Station and Oyster Bay. Trained workers visit at-risk families weekly, helping parents develop strong supportive relations with their children.
- St. Matthias School, Haiti: partnering with Ecole St. Matthias in Deslandes, Haiti to ensure the next several generations of young people grow-up educated and well-fed.
- Episcopal Relief & Development, Africa: working through local Anglican parishes to help the rural poor of Malawi grow the food they need, in a practical, sustainable way.
How can you help?
The outreach opportunities at St. John’s to put our faith into action are diverse and rewarding. You can offer help with a specific event or program.
- Work with the Huntington Interfaith Homeless Initiative (HIHI), which shelters the homeless: prepare or serve meals, or chaperone in the evening.
- Pick up a St. John's Blue Bag and bring non-perishable food and personal care items the first Sunday of each month. Click here for a helpful Blue Bag Ministry Shopping List.
- Volunteer at Community Solidarity on Tuesday evenings to sort, pack and give out excess food from local grocery stores.
- Help with St. John’s various seasonal donation drives, such as winter coats, adopt-a-family, holiday toys and more.
Watch the "At St. John’s" for upcoming opportunities. To participate in any part of the committee’s work or to find out more about the latest volunteer opportunities, contact Laura Swiggett.
Giving to St. John's Outreach Efforts
Checks may be made payable to St. John's Church with Outreach in the memo line and mailed to:
St. John's Church Outreach
PO Box 266
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
For more information, please contact the Financial Administrator at 516-692-6748.