Adult Education

Rector’s Bible Study
Mondays, 12 noon (except holiday Mondays)
The Rector’s Bible Study is an opportunity at the start of the week to study the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. The study will focus on the place of the assigned texts in the larger canon of scripture, their resonances in Christian tradition and the history of their interpretation. It is a chance to bring your questions to the text and to see if answers are present either in scholarship or church tradition. The majority of our shared time will be spent in Harkness style discussion of the texts after an opening presentation on current relevant theological and historical scholarship. Participants are encouraged to bring a bible, or electronic access to the texts, their lunch, questions, as well as a hunger for deeper understanding. No previous knowledge of the passages is required.
This week’s assigned scripture passages may be found at and/or The Lectionary Page. Contact: The Rev. Gideon L. K. Pollach
Men's Group
Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
The Men's Group offers men a group setting for lively fellowship and study of matters of faith and spiritual growth. The Men's Group meets in the Lee Room. Coffee is always provided, and new members are always welcome. In the past, the Group has covered a wide range of topics including science and religion, world religions, the Reformation, the books of the New Testament, and many more. Often the discussion veers into current events, which gives relevance, meaning and context to our studies. There is a strong feeling of camaraderie among group members, and the goal is not intense study for its own sake, but rather the enjoyment of hearing the viewpoints and experiences of other men, and the give and take that is generated among friends. In addition, the Men's Group provides major support for the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and the Men and Kids' Bake Sale. Contact: Frank Gundersen