Worship Ministries

Acolytes are young people, 6th grade and above, who assist the clergy during the 10:00 a.m. service. Contact: Anne Thompson.
Altar Guild
Altar Guild members care for the linens and prepare the altar for services. Contact: Billy Wresch
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers are trained to assist with Holy Communion. Contact: Barry Grace.
Flower Committee
Flower Committee members work in small teams, choosing and arranging flowers for the altar. Contact: Vasana Hildebrand.
Lectors are trained to read the scripture at church services. Upon their confirmation, young people are welcome to train as lectors. Contact: Jamie Wylie.
Pew Books Committee
Members ensure that the Hymnals and Prayer Books are in good order and supply in the church. Contact: Mary Jo Balkind.