Youth & Families

‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’ Matthew 19:14
Children, youth, and young adults are most welcome at St. John’s! Not just because the church has a lot to offer them, but because they have so much to offer the church. We are grateful for the gifts and perspectives of our young parishioners, and their presence makes our community whole.
The foundation of our Christian faith is the Word: we hear it in the voice of Jesus and in Holy Scripture, we share it in prayer and we encounter it in the silent language of the Holy Spirit that courses through our lives and the lives of our young members. The Word is living and true and at St. John’s children of all ages can encounter it in all manner of ways. Come and see that we are faithful and dedicated to giving even the youngest persons the chance to discover themselves in faith and to wonder at the mystery that unites us all!
So, please explore our offerings for the Christian development of our young parishioners. On the Youth Formation and Worship page you will find a summary of all the Sunday morning programs as well as the opportunity to volunteer with those programs. There you will also find information on our Confirmation class.
Follow the Opportunities for Youth & Families link and discover how St. John’s provides for our young parishioners a chance to share in fellowship and to offer their gifts through service to the greater community.
Easter Bulletin Art Project: Last week to submit
"First" Communion
Volunteers Needed - VBS & Choir Camp
Save the Date: VBS & Choir Camp
Mardi Gras Pancake Party & Burning of the Palms
Candlemas Celebration
Final Pageant Rehearsal
Confirmation Began in January
Spooky Walk 2023
Youth Formation & Worship

Information about Sunday programming from September through mid-June
To enroll your child in any of these programs, click HERE!
Nursery Care
St. John's provides care for children through Pre-K1 from 9:50 AM to 11:30 AM (or to when the 10:00 AM service ends).Our Nursery is staffed by our professional caregiver, Vikki Reres and volunteer parents.
Sunday School Classes
For Both…
Read More »Opportunities for Youth & Family Fellowship

For families with children who aren't yet teenagers, we offer regular Family Friday events. A casual dinner, usually held at the Rectory, with a seasonal activity. We press cider, bake bread, decorate the church for Christmas and plant flowers for the spring garden.
The Cold Springers - a youth group for teenagers - also meets regularly. We gather in Bleecker Hall on Sunday even…
Read More »CSH Nursery School

Cold Spring Harbor Nursery School is a non-profit, cooperative nursery school which is taught by teachers and run by parents. The school has a rich history, having been a part of the community since 1938. Although it is located at St. John's Church, the non-denominational school is independently operated.
The Program
The school is in session Monday through Thursday, from 9:00-11:45…