Summer Stories

As our Social Distanced Summer begins, you are invited to join in a new initiative, St. John's Summer Stories.
Do you have a story that was dear to you growing up? Is there a picture book that has informed your spiritual life? Share it with the children of St. John's this summer.
Here are the details:
- Email Mary Beth to let her know you'd like the participate.
- Pick a story that is important to you and read it over. Your story should be less than 7 minutes long.
- Spend some time in reflection about why this story speaks to your heart.
- Come up with 2-3 open-ended wondering questions that might make a child think a little bit more about how the story relates to their life.
- Record yourself reading the story and asking the questions. Make sure to pause and silently count to three after each question to give kids time to think! (NOTE: Turn your phone horizontally!)
Tags: Youth & Families / June 2020 / Newsletter / Latest Posts / Youth Formation & Worship