Summer Reading Brings Joy to Young Neighbors In Need

“Encouraging an underserved child to read is really priceless”, says Pilar Moya, Executive Director of local not-for-profit Housing Help, Inc.
St John’s Outreach has been partnering with Housing Help on several initiatives this summer, including their “Kids Learn at Home” book drive. The program provides books to children whose families are struggling in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
So far, almost 500 books have been distributed during the weekly food shares in Huntington Station. Laura Swiggett has witnessed firsthand the happy smiles as each child receives an age appropriate book from their school summer reading list. The children also receive crayons and paper and are invited to draw a picture about the books they read. If they bring a picture back the following week, they are rewarded with a goody bag assembled by St. John’s parishioners Hadley and Caelan Clayton and Outreach Steering Committee member Ellen Hatch. Several children proudly shared their pictures this week - their bright faces and grateful parents were a shining light during the otherwise poignant food distribution.
Thank you to all who have helped so far! You are providing food for the body, mind and soul (not to mention some summer fun!). If you would like to join the effort, please visit the Book Revue’s website and the tab “Housing Help Fundraiser” using this link:
Tags: Outreach / Community / Volunteer Opportunities / Latest Posts / Newsletter / June 2020 / August 2020