Preparing for Communion

Sunday, March 27, April 10 and April 24 - 11:15 am
Recognition - Sunday May 15th at the 10am Service
Sherwood Room
The primary preparation to receive communion in the Episcopal Church is the regular attendance of Holy Eucharist. However, everyone (especially children) benefit from some extra guidance. We will offer our young members a 3-session class in the importance of sharing in the meal that Jesus instituted over 2000 years ago. The first session, March 27th, will include both parents and children.
This class is designed for kids in 2nd grade and up. We hope it will be practical and informative, helping children to see how receiving communion connects them to God and to their neighbor. It is intended for all children, whether they have received communion or not. If your child is waiting to receive for the first time they are welcome to have their first communion during the 10 am service on May 15h.
Tags: march 2022 / Latest Posts / Newsletter / Youth Formation & Worship