Last Chance for Pentecost Flock!

Send photos of your and your dove back to Mary Beth by Friday, May 29!
This year for Pentecost, we are asking the children of St. John's Church to help us create a flock of Holy Spirit Doves all across the North Shore of Long Island.
We have mailed out wooden dove to each of our families with children in the church school. Decorate it and send a photo of you and your dove back to the Rev. Mary Beth Mills-Curran. We'll share all the doves on Pentecost Sunday, May 31.
You can email or text the photo to her: email: [email protected]; phone: (508) 414-9321.
Be sure to send your doves back by May 29!
Tags: May 2020 / Newsletter / Latest Posts / Youth Formation & Worship / Youth & Families