Music News and Notes: March 30

Within the rich tradition of sacred music - there is perhaps no more beautiful and poignant music than that written for the time between Palm Sunday and Good Friday. I hope that you will find this year’s Holy Week music offers a prayerful way of enhancing your worship experience during this week.
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday with the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem greeted by the crowd waving palm fronds and shouting “hosanna.” We celebrate this triumphant entry with a festive organ prelude, Hosanna by American organist and composer - Everett Titcomb and singing the traditional Palm Sunday hymn - All glory, laud and honor.
After the reading of the Passion together we will join in the singing of the Passion Chorale - O Sacred Head Now Wounded. The offertory - from Handel’s oratorio Messiah - with text from Isaiah speaks of the prophecy of the Messiah who Surely,... hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.
At communion, the choir offers Bruckner’s short motet In Monte Oliveti. The text of this short, but beautiful piece translates: On the Mount of Olives he prayed to his Father: "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Let your will be done.” This text comes directly from our Passion reading.
Tags: Music