LEVAS music coaching sessions (Deadline for signing-up is Oct. 22nd)

I am grateful to all the participants of “We are St. John’s Music Ministry” Zoom conversations. You have set aside your valuable time in educating me about music at St. John’s, and speaking your mind about its future. Among many views expressed, two remained most common and strong: we all miss singing together in our Sanctuary, and that we are ALL part of St. John’s Music Ministry. Indeed, worshiping together in the beautiful St. John’s Sanctuary with jubilant praise is a powerful and spiritually uplifting experience that we all miss dearly. As you may already know, doing so poses significant health risks, HOWEVER, we can definitely sing in our Sanctuary!
I invite you to come sing in our Sanctuary as individuals, or as a family. For more details, please click HERE.
Jun Kim
Director of Music
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