Aging in Place presents: "Be A Smart Consumer - What you need to know about interactions of medications"

Tuesday, Feb 26, 12 - 1:30 pm
Bleecker Hall, St. John's Church
Join St. John's Aging in Place for a presentation Be A Smart Consumer - What you need to know about interactions of medications* by Mandy Chen, Doctor of Pharmacy. Dr. Chen is a 2018 graduate of Long Island University and Post Graduate Year-1 Pharmacy Resident at NYU Winthrop Hospital, pursuing a career in ambulatory care pharmacy. Her presentation will describe the mechanism of drug-to-drug interactions, give an overview of common drug-to-drug interactions and how to prevent interactions. *You may bring in a list of your medications for review to help you identify any drug interaction concerns.
Bring a brown bag lunch, bring a friend, invite a fellow parishioner. Coffee, tea and snacks will be provided.
Sponsored by Aging in Place - A program for all ages.
Contacts: [email protected], Trudy Calabrese (516-659-7385) or Lucy Stackler (516-582-4702).
Tags: February 2019 / Aging in Place / Community / Newsletter