Welcome Back Choirs - An Open Invitation to Join!

The autumn choir season is here! Rehearsals are back underway for all three of St. John’s Choirs - our Junior Choir, Handbell Choir, and Chancel Choir. If you are looking for a new way to serve, want to be a part of a fun community, or stretch your musical muscles - now is the perfect time to jump in and give music a try!
Here is a little bit about each choir - and what we have in store for this season:
Junior Choir (grades 2-6). Wednesday 5-6 pm
One doesn’t need to look any further than the VBS musical to see that this group loves each other and loves making music together. This group provides musical offerings in church monthly, joins the Chancel Choir for our annual Lessons and Carols Service, sings special music for the Christmas Pageant, performs a special musical during Lent. They do this while also learning about healthy singing and basic music theory through the Royal School of Church Music’s Voices for Life program.
Handbell Choir (multi-generational) Thursday 5-6 pm
Some have been known to call bell choir rehearsal the “most fun hour of the week.” Come see for yourself! The handbells rehearse weekly and offer special music 5-6 times per year during 10 am worship. No experience is required - just a willingness to learn and have fun.
Chancel Choir (middle school - adult) Thursday 7:30-9 pm
The Chancel Choir - the backbone of the music program at St. John’s provides music for the 10 am worship service, special seasonal services, and quarterly choral evensong services. The group works on a wide range of music - and is made up of volunteer choir members assisted by three professional choral associates. There is always a seat, a folder, and a robe! No audition required to join - just a love of music. Now is the perfect time to jump in - as we are having our fall “in-house” retreat and welcome back barbecue on September 21st.
Contact Bryce for more information about you or your child joining a choir. I hope to see you at one of our rehearsals!
Tags: Music